Life Insurance Agent, Brentwood, TN

If you’re looking for a life insurance agent in Brentwood, TN or the Nashville area, you probably want someone to give you honest, unfiltered advice. If he or she is an employee of an agency or company, unbiased information and quotes might be hard to come by. So why not start out with an “agent” that will give you quotes from every company they have access to, even ones they don’t actively sell?
Start out with the rate calculator at
You can get unlimited, unfiltered quotes. This will give you a very good idea of the most competitive options for your situation. Once you have narrowed it down a bit, give me a call at 615-376-8899 or send me an inquiry through I’ll then help you on which company might be the best fit, but you’ll already be armed with tremendous knowledge as to how much a policy costs from many different companies.
Since we are located in Brentwood, TN, if you are in Nashville or the Middle TN area looking for a life insurance agent, we can also meet in person.
Rick Dixon
Rick Dixon Insurance